
艺术历史 & 理论


“但我们需要像灾难一样影响我们的书, 让我们深感悲痛, 就像我们深爱的人的死亡, 就像被放逐到远离所有人的森林里, 像自杀一样. 一本书必须是我们内心冰冻海洋的斧头. 这是我的信念."



  • 博士学位:波士顿大学艺术史
  • 硕士:波士顿大学艺术史专业
  • 学士学位:加州大学人类学/艺术实践


  • Modern and Contemporary 艺术历史 of Sculpture Craft Histories, especially in glass and ceramics


I am a professor of art history with a focus on modern and contemporary sculpture; I teach at the 艺术与设计学院, 在线赌博. 在过去十年中, I have broadened my pedagogical interests to embrace the specific realm of glass and ceramic art as well as the broader discourse in 工艺 practice. My current course offerings include: “Silica: Contemporary Glass and Ceramic Art,” “In, Of, 与当代工艺相关.“我最近开发了一系列异步, online classes that emphasize contemporary professional studio practices.

我的课堂倡导当代雕塑, 工艺, and 工艺-based practices has extended into my research and professional activities. My abridged curriculum vitae (below) highlights a number of writings for exhibition catalogs on ceramics (and, 最近, 在玻璃), my oral histories conducted for the Smithsonian’s Laitman Documentation Project for American Craft, 我一直在为国际, 学术期刊《解读陶瓷, and my chairing of the first College Art Association (CAA) panel on contemporary ceramics.

​My engagement with materials—glass and ceramic—outside of the mainstream critical framework has been a critical element in my rethinking and revising of modern art history. 我试图拓宽这些领域的关键边界. My lectures are aimed at provoking the glass and ceramic communities to question their received history and to expand their references for contemporary art production.


  • Spring 2021 Contemporary Projects in Art In the Studio: Modern and Contemporary Painting

研究、出版物、 & 演讲

研究 & 出版物

  • My current research is a book-length text on modern art, focusing on materiality. I am also engaged in an ongoing series of essays on aspects of contemporary art; a particular interest of mine is recent sculptural practices including glass and ceramic work.
  • "One Hundred Years Out: The Relevance of 1920s Glass Art to Current Practices,杰弗里·萨米恩托的文章, ed. 2020
  • “书写玻璃历史”为2019年罗伯特M. Minkoff Foundation Academic Symposium at UrbanGlass on “Issues of Glass Pedagogy: Criticism, 批判, 和批判性思维,在布鲁克林, NY. 2019
  • “在数字时代遇到雕塑”, Shaping Form and Shaping Space: Sculpture’s 21st Century Challenge, 波特兰国际雕塑大会(ISC), 俄勒冈州. 2019
  • “Maurice Marinot and ‘The Weightiness of Truly Beautiful Things,’” in Glass Quarterly, no. 156(2019年秋季).
  • “Kait Rhoads: Inspired by Nature and Informed by Memory” Neues Glas: New Glass Art and Architecture, 2/2019(2019年5月).
  • 《生物共振:凯特·罗兹的雕塑作品》编辑. 哈瑟尔特,比利时:谢泼斯画廊. 2019
  • “Summoning Eternal Life: The Work of Li Hong Wei” in Tao Wand, ed. 反思之外:李宏伟的艺术. 锡拉丘兹,纽约州:SUNY UP. 2019
  • “关键的话语, 专业实践,《在线赌博》, 2017款Robert M. Minkoff Foundation Academic Symposium at UrbanGlass in Brooklyn, New York from October 12-14.
  • 《在线赌博》,2015年
  • “反射: Collaborative Practice in Glass" GLASS Quarterly, 140 (Fall 2015):64, 2015
  • "As the Air Moves Behind You" in Chase Angier, As the Air Moves Behind You. 阿尔弗雷德,纽约:福斯迪克-纳尔逊画廊. 2013 "Intangible Notch, SkyWell Falls, and EarthCloud: The Architectural Reliefs, in Peter Held, ed. 韦恩·希格比:回顾. 坦佩,亚利桑那州:陶瓷研究中心,2015
  • 《在线赌博》, 第一个十年. Ed. 作者:乔·达恩和杰弗里·琼斯. 英国:Wunderkammer出版社,2013
  • 凝视:Aesa Bjork和Hiromi Takazawa. 阿尔弗雷德,纽约:福斯迪克-纳尔逊画廊,2013
  • "Contemporary Cast-Iron Sculpture: In the Wake of Redefinition" 2012 International US/UK Cast-iron Invitational. 2012
  • "Review: Man Ray and the Modernist Lens" for Dada/Surrealism, 2012
  • 《在线赌博》,韦恩·希格比,《在线赌博》,2011
  • 作者, ”介绍,和发行编辑 of Interpreting Ceramics 12 on international developments in ceramic studio education, 2011年冬
  • "Curiouser and Curiouser, the Work of Nathan Prouty" in Nathan Prouty. 费城:克莱工作室,2010年
  • "Everything, Encrusted, and Encoded," in Walter McConnell, Itinerant Edens. 密苏里州:道姆博物馆,2008年
  • 介绍性文章的作者, “欢迎,和发行编辑, “五位新兴艺术家实地考察”,《在线赌博》, 2008年冬
  • 作者, “反射, EarthCloud”和编辑, 建筑师兼编辑, "A Conversation Between Bruce Wood and Wayne Higby" in Wayne Higby, EarthCloud. 斯图加特,德国:Arnoldsche Fine Art Publishing, 2007
  • "Reconsidering the Ceramic Object," in Proceedings, School of Visual 艺术, NY, 2007
  • 《在线赌博》 8, Fall 2006
  • "Cadiz: The Sculptural Topology of Anne Currier," in Anne Currier. 斯图加特,德国:Arnoldsche Art Publishing, 2006
  • 采访安妮·柯里尔.纳内特·L. 美国莱特曼工艺和装饰艺术项目, 美国艺术档案, 史密森学会, 2006
  • 采访韦恩·希格比.纳内特·L. 美国莱特曼工艺和装饰艺术项目, 美国艺术档案, 史密森学会, 2006
  • Telling Histories: Installations by Ellen Rothenberg and Carrie Mae Weems. 西雅图:华盛顿大学出版社,1999
  • "Alberto Giacometti, le féticheur," in Keith Aspley and Elizabeth Cowling, Eds. From Rodin to Giacometti, Sculpture and Literature in France: 1880-1950. 阿姆斯特丹:Editions Rodopi B.V. 1998年“安妮·柯里尔, 最近的雕塑,,在Kerameiki Techni, The International Ceramic Art Review 30 (December 1998): 20-2., 1999
  • 埃尔斯沃思·凯利,《在线赌博》. 西雅图:华盛顿大学出版社,1998
  • 菲利普·古斯顿,1975-1980:私人和公共的斗争. 西雅图:华盛顿大学出版社,1994
  • Provincetown Prospects: The Work of Hans Hofmann and His Students. 波士顿:波士顿大学美术馆,1994年

从属关系 & 会员资格

  • American Alliances of Museums American Association of University Women, 美国


I offer salary negotiation workshops for students who identify as women via the AAUW: the American Association of University Women. 我也建议学生申请富布赖特奖学金. And, I have taught several collaborative, cross-disciplinary courses with my studio colleagues.

My interests outside the classroom: rowing, painting, reading...喝一杯上好的浓缩咖啡.


1997 -美术史教授, 艺术与设计学院, 在线赌博纽约州立陶瓷学院
2010 Interim Dean, 艺术与设计学院, 在线赌博纽约州立陶瓷学院
1996 -独立策展人
1994-95 Director, Museum Studies Program, Boston University
1987-88 Consultant, National Museum of American Art, 史密森学会 

Phi Beta Kappa分会会员


是什么让一个地方变得伟大? 始终如一的辛勤工作的关怀 & 友好的教职员工/. Every person here is a valued member of a living-learning community, and it really shows.
